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Ticket elimination

Ticket Removal

In some cases, it may be necessary to remove tickets from the platform. This can occur, for example, when a user returns a ticket and it no longer belongs to them, or if two tickets were issued by mistake.

Steps to Remove a Ticket

  1. Prepare the Removal Request:

    • Use the HTTP method DELETE to remove the ticket.
    • Ensure that you provide the ticketId of the ticket you wish to remove.
  2. Request Example:

    Below is an example of how you should structure your request to remove a ticket:

    Code Example for Removing a Ticket:
    curl --location --request DELETE '' \
    --header 'Authorization: example-api-key'

In this example, 111 is the ticketId of the ticket you want to remove. Be sure to replace it with the actual ticketId of the ticket you wish to delete.

Additional Considerations:

  • Authentication : Include the Authorization header with your API key to authenticate the request.

  • Verification : Verify that the provided ticketId is correct before proceeding with the removal.

  • Secondary Market : If the ticket you are removing is listed on the secondary market, keep in mind that it will be automatically withdrawn from that platform once the removal is completed.

If you need further assistance or have any questions about the removal process, please do not hesitate to contact us.